Community Engagement
Created regular virtual social hours at the start of my PhD in 2020 to foster a sense of inclusive community building.
Graduate Student Organization elected representative in 2021-2022; created the role of Co-Director of Events to increase community building efforts and resurrect the GSO via a discord channel and collaboration with other elected representatives.
Heavy involvement and effort in organizing conferences, especially the Anticipation Conference in-step with the Chair and redesign of website, and book of abstracts, and managing scientific committee and peer-review process design, EasyChair management, maintenance, and set up along with attending weekly and bi-weekly meetings, and social media set up and content creation for both website and twitter. Reflective of commitment to community service.
Attended every meeting in all of the community-oriented commitments, with genuine interest and active efforts and results in inclusive community-building and supports for student success and benefit, while completing my PhD obligations and coursework full-time and belonging to the NSF in Citizen-Centered Smart Cities and Smart Living and HASTAC scholars communities.
Also attended reading group in Data & Society, was elected as the Graduate Student representative on a junior search committee, and a participant in the Cambridge University workshop on Histories of AI: Genealogy of Power, NRT student council representative, and volunteered at conferences.
2024-current Surveillance & Society Peer Reviewer
2022-current HASTAC Scholar
2021-current 4s Member
2020-current IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society, and IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine Peer Reviewer
2020-2024 NRT fellow activities; I also led a weekly writing group with peers Spring 2023
2019-2024 Society Policy Engineering Collective Member, Arizona State University, Institute for the Future of Innovation in Society
2021-2022 School for the Future of Innovation in Society, Graduate Student Organization Co-Director of Events
2021-2022 4th International Conference on Anticipation Organizing Committee Member
2021-2022 Junior Faculty Search Committee, School for the Future of Innovation in Society, Arizona State University Graduate Student Representative
2021-2022 Data & Society, Arizona State University reading group member
2021 Cambridge University Summer School Histories of AI: A Genealogy of Power Summer Workshop Participant; Virtual
2019-2020 IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS20), Tempe, Arizona, Organizing Committee
2020 Citizen-Centered Smart Cities & Smart Living NRT Student Council Representative
2019 EMERGE: A Festival of Futures, Volunteer
2019 CSPO 20th Anniversary Conference: Rightful Place of Science-2, Volunteer
2018-2019 Risk Innovation Lab, School For the Future of Innovation in Society, Member
2012-2018 Amnesty International Tempe, AZ Chapter Member and Volunteer Coordinator