Teaching & Select Work Experience

"Foresight methods and their potentials as entry-points into public discussions about near- and mid-range technoscientific developments. Four elements constitute the organizing axis of the course: (1) the history of foresight exercises in government agencies and business organizations; (2) the methods of four forms of foresight exercises (technology foresight, science and technology studies, anticipatory governance and scenario development); (3) a comparative assessment of these dominant forms; and (4) a group-based application exercise using one of the foresight methods."

"Examines the vast implications of innovation, why it is so powerful, and why it really matters. Introduces the theories and processes of innovation as they relate to socio-political change. Students gain knowledge about the history and future of innovation and explore how innovation is entangled with social, political and ethical issues. By identifying and applying analytical tools, students learn to account for the diverse workings and effects of innovation. This course strives to debunk the myth that innovation happens automatically. Rather, different actors rally to create innovations that shape our society, economy and cultures--and that those innovations are not inevitable and could be otherwise."

"Examines the vast implications of innovation, why it is so powerful, and why it really matters. Introduces the theories and processes of innovation as they relate to socio-political change. Students gain knowledge about the history and future of innovation and explore how innovation is entangled with social, political and ethical issues. By identifying and applying analytical tools, students learn to account for the diverse workings and effects of innovation. This course strives to debunk the myth that innovation happens automatically. Rather, different actors rally to create innovations that shape our society, economy and cultures--and that those innovations are not inevitable and could be otherwise."

"Foresight methods and their potentials as entry-points into public discussions about near- and mid-range technoscientific developments. Four elements constitute the organizing axis of the course: (1) the history of foresight exercises in government agencies and business organizations; (2) the methods of four forms of foresight exercises (technology foresight, science and technology studies, anticipatory governance and scenario development); (3) a comparative assessment of these dominant forms; and (4) a group-based application exercise using one of the foresight methods."

"Unique introduction to cutting-edge technologies and their socially responsible and ethical development and use. Whether you are majoring in science, engineering, the social sciences, the humanities, innovation and entrepreneurship, business, design, film, communication, or the arts, this class enables a better understanding of how particular skills, knowledge and interests can help ensure the socially responsible development and use of emerging science and technology. Uses science fiction movies to explore emerging trends in science and technology and their ethical, responsible and beneficial development. Instructs how to describe how responsible innovation is relevant to developing just and vibrant global futures; discusses a wide range of emerging technologies and their ethical and responsible development; and articulates the importance of taking a transdisciplinary approach to ethical and beneficial entrepreneurship"

Fall 2022-Spring 2024: Research Assistant to: Dr. David Guston
-Conducted research, literature review, interviews, project design, qualitative analysis, and report on the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022, along with
other assigned administrative duties and projects.

Fall 2022: Research Assistant to: Dr. Lauren Keeler
-Conducted alumni interviews for informing undergraduate curriculum design and integrating feedback of experience in the undergraduate, Master's, and Graduate programs at SFIS.  Qualitative Analysis and report of findings was completed.

Fall 2019-Spring 2020: Research Assistant to Dr. Katina Michael
-Assisted in administrative duties, research, data organization, and contributed to a dataset of international AI law and policy approaches for informing governance.

Spring 2023-HSD 598/PAF 591: The Politics and Ethics of the Smart City on on the Co-Production of Science and Technology, and Society, invited talk
Spring 2019- FIS111: Welcome to the Future for two class sessions on Ethics of Implantable Technologies and RFID chips, invited talk


2021 Teaching Techniques and Practices Workshop, Certifications in Approaches to Effective Teaching, Learning Objectives Based Teaching

2019 Government Accountability Office, Washington D.C. Science and Technology Analytics and Assessment, Consortium for Science, Policy & Outcomes (CSPO) Fellow/GAO Intern

2019 Science Outside the Lab (SOtL), Washington D.C. Consortium for Science, Policy & Outcomes Professional Policy Workshop

Teaching Certifications: Approaches to Effective Teaching & Learning Objectives Based Teaching